What I'm doing now

(The Now page is a great idea by Derek Sivers - get one, too!)

Last Updated: April 2021

We S working on

While working on StagePro I crossed paths with Prof. Oliver Niebuhr from the University of Southern Denmark. Oliver is a great guy and an expert in digital rhetorics and charismatic speech. I learned from him that there are reliable ways to measure, predict and train the way your voice impacts an audience. When mastering charismatic speech, speakers can "switch" speaking styles to sound confident, competent or inspiring on command. I'll elaborate on the concept of charismatic speech in a blog post, soon. For the moment Olli and I are working together to bring this concept to market. A few days ago Olli was on the german TV show Quarks showcasing the technology and together we just released a new website (currently german only) which can be found at charismatischer.de.

Doubling down on the startup: No more consulting work

I'm part of a consulting group called Four Horizons (german: Vier Horizonte). We will release our new Website soon. In late September we organized a two-day event for a client which had about 80 of the clients ~500 employees working together to develop a new future vision for their company. It went well and the new shared vision is not imposed top-down by management but instead is backed up by employees from all positions in the hierarchy. Currently we are working on the changes to the clients strategy that result from the new vision.


Through my work as a part-time lecturer at HdM I have the pleasure of teaching and talking about Business Model Generation, Traction and Pitching at an international Innovation Bootcamp. Additionally I will give a short input on Pitching at the coming digital version of the Startup Weekend Stuttgart 2020.

Outside of work

Germany is currently in a second lockdown. Luckily I'm able to work from home without major problems. What I currently miss the most is going out, listening to live music and dancing. It seems like an eternity ago that these things were common. With the Season 5 of The Expanse coming up and the second Season of The Mandalorian getting released there's at least some quality Sci-Fi to watch while staying home.

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